
Personal Learning Dashboard (Beta)

Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute

Graduate Attributes

Learn More

Individual Skills

Graduate attribute1x

Creative thinking

Graduate attribute1x

Problem Solving

Graduate attribute

Practical/Professional Skills

Team Skills

Graduate attribute

Communication Skills

Graduate attribute


Graduate attribute1x

Community Engagement

Graduate attribute


Graduate attribute1x

Learn How to Learn

Graduate attribute3x

Skills to apply digital & technology solutions

Graduate attribute

Critical Thinking

Advanced Skills

Graduate attribute

Autonomy And Responsibility

Graduate attribute


Graduate attribute

Value inculcation

Graduate attribute

Multicultural Competence

Cultural Skills

Journey Map

Web Development 101

Web Development 202

Web Development 301

Teaching Assistant & Internship


Industry Placement

Alumni & Teaching Fellow

Short Bio

## Hey there! This is Anuran! 👋 A generalist by nature, I love creating tools that people find value in- a habit built into me by the Open Source Communities and Organizations I am a part of. I love building robust, intelligent and privacy-focused systems that help people in various walks of life ❤️. I also love to contribute to causes that matter, just like Coronasafe. ✨ My technical know-how is scattered across Blockchain/Web3, Data Science and Machine/Deep Learning, Full Stack Web Development, Inferential Statistics, and Natural Language Processing. I also love to write (as apparent from this long bio 😆) and am a part of quite a few communities - Tezos Developer's Community Vellore (Community Lead), DataKind Bengaluru (Junior Member), Indian Linux User's Group, Delhi (Member) being some of them. Got a new idea? Do hit me up! [**See my Link Tree!**](https://linktr.ee/anuranroy) \ [**Send me an Email!**](mailto:anuranroy02@gmail.com)

Learning Activity

0 contributions in the last year


Pull Request
Avg. PR Turnaround Time


  • opened a pull request on coronasafe/care_fe
    Created form for uploading facility imagesAugust 9, 2022 at 10:56:32 AM
  • Shared a comment on a pull request in coronasafe/care_fe on August 2, 2022 at 11:41:35 AM

    ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/76481787/182366158-23ade996-9d09-4e48-aa02-d39c17ac45bb.png) @nihal467 will this work?


  • merged a pull request on coronasafe/care_fe
  • opened an issue on coronasafe/leaderboard
    Typo correction for contributions graphJuly 5, 2022 at 4:25:17 PM
  • Shared a comment on a pull request in coronasafe/care_fe on July 4, 2022 at 3:34:26 PM

    @kunatastic can we remove the `need testing` label?


  • Shared a comment on a pull request in coronasafe/care_fe on July 4, 2022 at 3:25:43 PM

    @nihal467 I think the other lines (Address, Comments) can break into the next lines.


  • Shared a comment on an issue in coronasafe/care_fe on July 1, 2022 at 2:01:27 PM

    ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/76481787/176905621-953adc47-13b6-42cd-aa89-5642231d00a4.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/76481787/176909527-18c167c9-b3c0-406f-83d9-628d02332669.png) @nihal467 Are these what the changes should look like?


  • Shared a comment on a pull request in coronasafe/care_fe on July 1, 2022 at 1:14:01 PM

    @developedBySJ can you please review it?


  • opened a pull request on coronasafe/care_fe
  • Shared a comment on a pull request in coronasafe/care_fe on June 25, 2022 at 1:51:37 PM

    @gigincg Can yo please review the changes?


  • opened a pull request on coronasafe/care_fe
  • Shared a comment on an issue in coronasafe/care_fe on June 25, 2022 at 11:45:22 AM

    Yes Gigin, I'll push it by tomorrow


  • Shared a comment on a pull request in coronasafe/care_fe on June 25, 2022 at 1:51:37 PM

    @gigincg Can yo please review the changes?


  • opened a pull request on coronasafe/care_fe
  • Shared a comment on an issue in coronasafe/care_fe on June 25, 2022 at 11:45:22 AM

    Yes Gigin, I'll push it by tomorrow


  • merged a pull request on coronasafe/leaderboard
  • merged a pull request on coronasafe/leaderboard
  • opened a pull request on coronasafe/leaderboard
    Update profile description of anuran-royJune 17, 2022 at 5:06:02 PM
  • opened an issue on coronasafe/care_ocr
    Sanity checker for wrongly parsed charactersJune 17, 2022 at 3:24:01 PM
  • opened a pull request on coronasafe/care_ocr
    Added EasyOCR implementationJune 16, 2022 at 4:12:56 PM
  • Shared a comment on an issue in coronasafe/care_fe on June 14, 2022 at 9:42:49 AM

    @gigincg can I take up the issue?


  • Shared a comment on a pull request in coronasafe/care_fe on June 11, 2022 at 2:33:22 PM

    @nihal467 actually this PR is awaiting the backend changes to be merged by Marmik. It requires an endpoint, which is yet to be added to care backend.


  • opened an issue on coronasafe/care_fe
    Same number of card decks irrespective of zoom in Shifting PageMay 26, 2022 at 11:05:41 PM
  • opened a pull request on coronasafe/care_fe
  • Shared a comment on an issue in coronasafe/care_fe on May 21, 2022 at 9:18:27 AM

    I am actually working on it 😅


  • opened an issue on coronasafe/care_fe
    Mention password requirements to user in User Creation FormMay 15, 2022 at 11:34:49 AM
  • opened an issue on coronasafe/care_fe
    Info regarding usernameMay 15, 2022 at 11:31:48 AM
  • opened an issue on coronasafe/care_fe
    Add a button in user create form to mark phone number same as WhatsAppMay 15, 2022 at 11:27:16 AM
  • opened an issue on coronasafe/care_fe
    Make first name and last name required for user creationMay 15, 2022 at 11:25:20 AM
  • opened an issue on coronasafe/care_fe
    Overlapping buttons in mobile viewMay 15, 2022 at 11:19:57 AM
  • opened a pull request on coronasafe/care_fe
  • merged a pull request on coronasafe/care_fe
  • May 22, 2022 - End of the day update from slack

    EOD for last 3 days: Was busy packing and arranging return trip from hostel... Returned at 1am today

  • May 18, 2022 - End of the day update from slack

    Completed my endsems exam, completed college formalities for semester break, relaxed a bit, worked on an issue a bit

  • May 16, 2022 - End of the day update from slack

    Didn't do much today... Studying for endsem exams :sweat_smile:

  • May 14, 2022 - End of the day update from slack

    • Picked an issue yesterday, and made a PR for another issue • Not much today, preparing for my upcoming endsems.

  • May 10, 2022 - End of the day update from slack

    Time past in trying to set up Care_Fe, and trying to study for endsem exams :smiling_face_with_tear:

  • May 27, 2022 - End of the day update from slack

    EOD update: Worked on issue #2544. Will make a PR soon.

  • May 27, 2022 - End of the day update from slack

    EOD Update: Made a PR (#2431) Took up a new issue

  • May 28, 2022 - End of the day update from slack

    *EOD Update:* • Resolved PR conflict in <https://github.com/coronasafe/care_fe/pull/2543|PR #2543>, waiting for it to merge. • Working on another issue

  • May 29, 2022 - End of the day update from slack

    EOD: • Had a busy day today... Didn't have much productivity today

  • June 7, 2022 - End of the day update from slack

    Writing EOD after like, forever... Was unwell because of the extreme summer heat. Missed the EODs and the Weekly review. Looking for new issues to work on.

  • June 16, 2022 - End of the day update from slack

    *EOD Update:* • Worked with the easy_ocr library for <https://github.com/coronasafe/care_ocr/|care_ocr>, made a <https://github.com/coronasafe/care_ocr/pull/5|PR> • Working on <https://github.com/coronasafe/care_fe/issues/2646|#2646> of care_fe

  • June 17, 2022 - End of the day update from slack

    EOD: 1. Worked on a few personal projects 2. Worked on care_ocr, trying to work out text detection in different lighting settings

  • July 1, 2022 - End of the day update from slack

    EOD Update: Worked on 2 issues for care_fe, and exploring possible solutions for care_ocr

  • July 4, 2022 - End of the day update from slack

    EOD update: 1. Working on issues #2737 and #2856 2. Working on OCR implementation

More to come in the coming days...!